Our Threatened Plant Conservation Projects Update 2020
Renewal of Threatened Plant Conservation Projects in the Goulburn Valley 2018-2020
Funded by a Victorian Government Biodiversity On-ground Action Grant – Community and Volunteer BOA2017CA373
More than twenty years ago GVEG undertook two major assessments of the conservation status of flora and fauna in the Eastern Northern Plains of Victoria, publishing two reports. In 2018-20 GVEG supported a follow up project to assess the sites identified in these reports and carry out works to help protect them.
Swainsona murrayana, Slender Darling-pea
In the years since the reports, many of the recommended changes to conservation status have been achieved, notably the creation of Barmah National Park, Lower Goulburn National Park, Warby-Ovens National Park and Broken-Boosey State Park.
As well, GVEG initiated practical management actions to protect threatened plants at about dozen sites.
The 2018-20 project aimed to assess the effectiveness of these particular actions but also to assess the changes in status of threatened plant populations more broadly over two and a half decades in response to changed land tenure and changed management. We focussed on 22 sites assessed in the initial survey that had the richest threatened* flora or which had the only population of a threatened species.
More information, click here to go to our Projects & Campaigns page.