What exactly is a 'marsupial mouse'?
Have you ever seen an amazing little Common Dunnart? We’re lucky enough to have them in the Goulburn Valley, but sadly they are often mistaken for introduced pest species of rodents, such as the destructive House mouse (Mus domesticus), and unknowingly disposed of. If you want to help protect these amazing little critters, and learn how to tell the difference between the Common Dunnart (Sminthopsis murina), other precious native mice and the introduced pest rodents, then read on for an article to find out more.
This Common Dunnart (Sminthopsis murina) was caught in a non-lethal mouse trap (thank goodness!) on a front porch in Rushworth, Central Victoria. Photo by Louise Costa & Les Pelle.
The native ‘marsupial mice’ are all in the Family Dasyuridae – not even closely related to Old World mice. Many Goulburn Valley and Strathbogie Ranges residents will be familiar with the local Brown Antechinus (Antechinus agilis), or the Yellow-footed Antechinus (A. flavipes) of the foothills and plains, perhaps even with the spectacular Tuan (Phascogale tapoatafa), aka the Brush-tailed Marsupial Rat (until the 1960s). But one marsupial mouse that few regional Victorians are familiar with is the Common Dunnart (Sminthopsis murina), once also known as the Mouse-Sminthopsis – not at all common in Victoria and certainly not a mouse.
Though similar in appearance to both an Antechinus and a House Mouse (Mus musculus), when closely examined it is quite different to both. It’s smaller size, pale ventral fur, lack of yellow fur and eye-ring and it’s white feet distinguish it from the Yellow-footed Antechinus. The crinkled ears, pointy snout and lack of ‘mousey smell’, help to distinguish it from a House Mouse.
This little insect-eating marsupial is found mainly in Central and Western Victoria, though its distribution is very patchy and much more poorly understood than it’s Antechinus cousins.
The Common Dunnart has been recorded in the Goulburn Valley from regions to the west and south of the Strathbogie Ranges. It may once have occurred in the dry forests and woodlands around the ranges and in the foothills, though there are no confirmed records. But, being so small and easily confused with more common species, it may have been overlooked.
If you live in the bush and have mouse-like critters visiting your house and surrounds, consider using non-lethal mouse traps – you may be surprised what you find. Thanks Lou and Les for bringing this particular marsupial mouse to our attention!
Article by Bertram Lobert.