Who are GVEG?

The Goulburn Valley Environment Group (GVEG) is a not-for-profit community environment and conservation organisation based in the Goulburn Valley in northern Victoria, Australia.

GVEG was formed in 1990 by passionate local people who care about the unique and special environment of the Goulburn and Murray valleys. The mission to protect our environment has never ceased since, and continues to be lead by a community of motivated and passionate people.

Please explore our site to find out more about what we do, learn about some of our ongoing and past projects and campaigns, checkout what we’re currently working on, and find out what is in store for the future!

Pycnosorus globosus (Drumsticks) and Craspedia paludicola (Swamp Billy-buttons); iconic species of the Goulburn Valley in flood at Doctors Swamp, Murchison VIC. Photo by John Laing

Pycnosorus globosus (Drumsticks) and Craspedia paludicola (Swamp Billy-buttons); iconic species of the Goulburn Valley in flood at Doctors Swamp, Murchison VIC. Photo by John Laing

Our History

In 2018 GVEG published ‘Joining the Dots: A History of the Goulburn Valley Environment Group’, including detailed accounts of major and significant campaigns the group has lead over the decades, the stories of key and influential members, and founding members, and the groups vision for the future. To purchase a copy, please refer to the information below. ‘Joining the Dots’ is also available at many public libraries and school libraries across the Goulburn Valley.

Click the thumbnails below to see images of the book’s front and back covers:

Book Purchases

For members: Discounted members price $25 - Contact Iris to purchase a copy:  i.ambrose@latrobe.edu.au
For non-members: Retail price $35 - Purchase in stores. Available from:

  • Collins Booksellers, Maude St, Shepparton

  • Visitor Centre, Nixon St, Shepparton

  • YWater Discovery Centre, Hood St, Yea

  • Barmah Heritage Centre, Blake St, Nathalia